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Know meaning of Subjective symptoms in Homoeopathy with examples

Subjective symptoms are one of the types of symptom’. They are given very much importance while prescribing Homoeopathic medicines. One should consider them while prescribing Homoeopathic medicines, if you want to prescribe right remedy for a case. Homoeopathic medicines are only effective, if totality of symptoms is considered while finding out right remedy for patient and subjective symptoms should be included in totality of symptoms, if you want effective and right remedy for a case.
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What do subjective symptoms mean? 

Subjective symptoms are those symptoms which are only known to patient, only patient can feel them, sense them and rate them on the subject of their intensity. 
  • Nobody else except patient can spot them, detect them or sense or feel them. 
  • They cannot be observed by patient’s doctor, attendants of patients or anybody else. 

What are different examples of subjective symptoms? 

  • One example of subjective symptom is any kind of ache or pain. Whether any pain is there or not only patient knows. 
  • Second example is any dream which patient has, only patient knows about it and only he can told you about them. 
  • Third example is will, understanding, emotions of patients regarding any matter or thing. Only patient knows what he wills, understand or emotionally feeling. You can just guess but real truth only patient knows, even after he or she told you about them, it is only patient who knows whether he or she has told you truth or not.
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Consequently, from above examples, you get one thing, have you noticed that one thing which is very common to all above examples of subjective symptoms? And, that thing is that subjective symptoms are very personal to patient, related to his or her deep core, however they are not observable. 
  • If you ask patient about them, they can fake it, you do not know whether they are telling you truth or not, they can hide them. 
  • It depends upon their will, whether they want to tell you real truth or not. 

Subjective symptoms cannot be measured with any instrument, they cannot be scanned with any X-ray or ultrasound or MRI. Only patient can tell reality. It depends on their choice or will whether they want to tell truth or hide them or want to fake symptoms which are not even there. 
  • Although, some lie detector machines are available these days in market, but there are certain clever people who have got capacity to fool lie detector machine, even lie detector machine cannot catch their lie. 
  • This is reason why after taking out so many subjective symptoms from patient during case taking, still selected medicine does not help. It only helps partially and how can it fully help when it is selected on symptoms which patient just fake. 

Remedy is selected on totality of symptoms in Homoeopathy, when subjective symptoms told to you by patient is wrong, therefore, remedy selected on them will be wrong and therefore, do not help.

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