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6 Chronic Aliments Homoeopathic medicine Natrum Muriaticum cures

Natrum muriaticum is very important medicine, in fact very important Homoeopathic medicine with unique individual medicinal properties. It cures any kind of body aliments, but special affinity for curing aliments of long duration. Which long duration body aliments can be cured by Homeopathic medicine Natrum Muriaticum?

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The chronic body aliments, occurring in human body from a very long duration, which can be cured with Homeopathic medicine Natrum muriaticum are-

1. First chronic body aliment which Natrum muriaticum in Homoeopathic preparation can cure is chronic anemia. Anemia of any kind whether it is iron deficiency anemia or traumatic, it can cure any kind of it, the only thing required is anemia should be of chronic duration.

2. Cataract can be cured with it. Cataract, glaucoma, vitreous humor aliments, computer vision syndrome, eye pain, injury aliments of eye can be cured with this special medicine in potentized form. It got wonderful results in eye complaints.

3. Headache- whether, temporal, frontal or of one side temporal origin, it cures them all; such distinctive quick acting medicinal qualities it got.

4. If your daughter is of school going age and usually complaint of headache or vertigo episodes, when returning from school in summer season, then give her this medicine. It got complete curative quick solution for it.

5. Women in menstrual age suffering from chronic dysmenorrhea along with increased desire for salt in food and no taste desire for sweet food can be cured with this medicine.

6. Individual suffering from- hot flushes in whole body, getting drenched with sweat due to increased perspiration beyond normal limit, can be restored to health with this medicine Nat mur and can be made free from their disease aliments.

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