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9 Aliments Homoeopathic medicine Arsenic cures

There are lot of aliments, which potentized Homoeopathic medicine Arsenic can cure. Full name of it in medical terminology is Arsenicum Album. For example it cures dry skin. It also cures vomiting and diarrhoea of summer. These are just few. Lets discuss each of 9 aliments, which this Homoeopathic medicine named Arsenic cures.

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9 Aliments which Homeopathic medicine Arsenic cures-

Here comes day to day aliments which Arsenic cures-
  1. First symptom, which it can cure is dry skin. Yes, if you are tired of dry skin from chronic time, tried everything but no result, Arsenic album got this aliment cured and that too completely, only thing needed is right dose according to disease case profile and right potency which your Homoeopathic doctor can sort out along with telling you for how long you need to take it and when to stop.
  2. Another aliments, which cured by miraculous power of potentized Homeopathic medicine Arsenicum Album is acute diarrhea episodes in starting of summer
  3. Arsenic cures that. Acute vomiting episodes which humans used to suffer from in new days of summer, that is, in April when summer approaches. That is, when whether get changed from cold winter to warm summer; in initial days of this summer, there are very much increased chances of getting suffered from acute gastro-intestinal aliments. Arsenic album in potentized dose cures them all.
  4. Other aliments, which this potentized medicine named Arsenic cures is acute worry
  5. It also cures chronic restlessness
  6. It also cures physical weakness
  7. It also cures chronic tiredness, 
  8. Low vitality Arsenic cures.
  9. One special symptom which people requiring treatment of potentized Arsenicum Album Homeopathic medicine is that they cannot sleep with their face covered. They cover the rest of body fully with quilt in winter but do not cover their face, if they tried to do cover it then it becomes difficult for them to sleep.


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