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6 Guidelines tests which Right Way of Curing must pass

Told you in previous Homoeopathic Blog articles about, what is cure. Today, I will told you, what is right way of curing in medical terminology in true sense? In correct sense, right way of curing must pass 6 guidelines tests.

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Lets discuss each of these 6 guidelines in detail. They are-

1.      It should cure on complete basis and not partial basis. That is, it should treat disease starting from its cause deep base to whole middle and superficial build up.

2.      Treatment should be such that which does not leave a tint of disease cause or disease itself to favor it re-born process. Permanent solution, no disease return must be result of treatment.

3.      Third guideline test, which right way of cure should pass is that causes which allow disease maintaining and causes which allow disease to permanently reside in human body need to be removed, if complete cure is intended. Because, if any of them is left, then disease will reoccur and that is not called cure, that is, called only recovery. Cure can be achieved, when way to cure applied is right.

4.      Right way of cure ideally is establishing individual diseased person back to health and not just removal of symptom. Because, if person is still facing some minor aliments like weakness that means treatment is yet incomplete and cure is yet not achieved. Health means no aliment at all. Right way of cure is diseased person should be gain back his or her health and no symptom should be left behind.

5.      Way to cure is called right, correct, when it does not produce any side effects, it does not cost any organ in aim of saving other.

6.      Medicines and way of cure is called correct, right; when they excel test of time, that is, they prove equally effective, which ever time of year they are tested.


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