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4 Conditions in which Palliation is done

Palliation is a kind of temporary relief which a medicine gives when it does not cure completely. Yes, palliation means curing a patient partially, not completely; so you can say it is another name of word 'recovery'. In it patient is partially cured, not permanently and not completely. When palliation is done?  

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It is done in following 4 conditions/cases -

1. It happens in case of allopathic treatment because all their crude medicines are not able to cure completely and their treatment results even does not last longer, they are short termed. All these low qualities of allopathic treatment no doubt does not qualify it for best treatment, but qualifies it to be come under category of palliation.

2. It also happens in irreversible diseased body conditions like cancers, ulcers in which human body's internal system is damaged to such extent, that it becomes like that it cannot be returned back to normal as the damage done to human body by these irreversible disease conditions has reached to so unrepairable extent, which is beyond reach of medicinal treatment.

3. When any human being's vital organ is removed by operative treatment of allopathy due to certain human body diseased conditions, then due to lack of this vital organ inside human body side effects of its lack start occurring inside human body and no other donor organ, human body of patient is not accepting.
  • In that case, medicinal treatment which is given to cure aliments of vital organ lack is not able to cure because medicinal treatment does not reach to its destination where they need to act. And, how they will act because that vital organ is removed; due to which complete cure is not possible and only temporary relief is possible which you know is called what. Yes, it is called palliation.

4. Same story happens in major accidents in which some vital organs are removed which are crushed badly by accident and cannot be healed by medicinal aid. There also medicines cures partially and not completely and hence results in palliation.

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