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5 Complaints that patient of Homoeopathic medicine Agaricus Muscarius suffers

Agaricus muscarius is, also one of the medicine, from Homeopathic materia medica. It is included in, Homeopathic materia medica because it was proved in, Homeopathic drug proving process and it’s all records are, recorded in Homeopathic materia medica. This medicine Agaricus muscarius, have some unique properties; unique medicinal properties, in its Homeopathic potentized form.

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Another name of Agaricus muscarius is, its botanical name; with which, it is also known, in whole world. And, that name is, Amanita muscarius linn

What is so special about Homeopathic medicine Agaricus muscarius? From what sufferings, the patients requiring helping aid of Homeopathic medicine Agaricus muscarius suffer? 

These sufferings of, patients requiring potentized dose of, Homeopathic medicine Agaricus muscarius are-

1) Number first thing wrong with them, with these patients-

is with their minds. Yes problem is, with their mind; they cannot take decisions, for themselves. Yes, they always need some helping hand, when it comes to make decisions. They cannot make decisions, for themselves. 
  • Whatever their decisions is, there is always some person, behind their decisions; who is taking decisions for them, helping them in making decisions; either by taking decisions, for them or giving advice to, solve problem of, taking decisions.

2) They also have jealousy factor-

always feel jealous, of others. And, their jealous and rage feeling for others, are so much that they sometimes, do acts of violence; due to these feelings.

3) Children requiring medicinal aid of, this medicine are very stubborn-

does not agree, with anybody; very selfish in nature, and does not share, their things with anybody.

4) People requiring this medicine, especially children make mistakes-

while talking and writing and also forget things, during exam sessions.

5) One more thing people, requiring this medicine have-

delayed milestone of, childhood age. That is, people in their childhood stage, have problem in walking and talking; due to some problem, with development of their nervous system.


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