To know effects of drug, the only way is drug proving. Drug effects can be known with drug proving. That is,
you need to prove drugs on human beings in good health. But, question is, in
which form you need to administer the medicine to go under drug proving test?
Medicine meant to go under drug proving test, need to administer
in special form. But, what this form is, in which you should administer medicine
to be proved on human beings? This special form is dynamic form. Yes, one need
to administer medicine to be tested in drug proving in dynamized form.
Yes, medicine which are to go under drug proving test, they need to be potentized
to potency 30. Potentizing the medicine turn the non-dynamized form of
substance to undergo medicinal drug proving test into dynamized form.
But, why you need to administer them in potentized form? Why cannot they be administered in non-dynamic form?
But, why you need to administer them in potentized form? Why cannot they be administered in non-dynamic form?
- These is because first of all there are some substances which does not exhibit medicinal qualities in crude form of medicine, but exhibit medicinal qualities when potentized.
- Second reason for using potentized form is that out vital force which animates individual human is in dynamized form and can only be affected by something dynamic. To know, what effects drug produce on humans, one obstacle need to be removed and that is crudeness of drug substance which needs to be removed by potentization, so that more and more medicinal effects of drug to be tested come forth.