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10 Homoeopathic Medicines that specifically Treats Cough

Cough is of many types, sometimes it is dry and sometimes violent, hawking. Sometimes, it occurs with expectoration and sometimes without expectoration. Sometimes, it occurs in morning and sometimes in evening or at night. Sometimes, it is caused by exposure to cold and sometimes by eating something wrong. Aconite treats cough caused from exposure to cold air. Whereas Antimonium tart treats cough caused from exposure to damp weather. Like that there are around 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats cough. Lets discuss each of them in detail. 

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Causes of cough are many. Sometimes, the cause is acute like sudden checked perspiration or getting wet in rain. Sometimes, the cause behind is some inflammation or some major chronic disease of lung or any other chronic or acute disease.

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10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats cough-

1) Aconite-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats dry barking caused by measles.
  • It also treats violent hollow cough that usually occurs at night caused by laryngitis.
  • It also treats whistling cough caused by burning or tickling in larynx.
  • It also treats dry croupy cough, which is so suffocating that it awakes patient from sleep.
  • It also treats dry cough, whether it is without expectoration or with blood streaked expectoration. 
  • It specifically treats dry cough caused after exposure to dry cold winds. 
  • It also treats cough that aggravates from lying on side at night. 
  • It also treats cough caused after eating or drinking, from deep breathing and speaking a lot, as in teachers or anchors.

2) Nux vomica-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats cough caused by overeating, from excessive mental exertion, from exposure to cold winds, from climbing stairs, from smoking tobacco and from drinking alcohol.
  • It also treats dry cough that usually occurs after midnight or in morning, causing headache or pain in stomach. 
  • It also treats dry cough with yellow or grey coloured mucus, blood streaked with bright red colour. 

3) Antimonium tartaricum-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats periodic dry cough returning at short intervals, but with no expectoration.
  • It also treats dry violent cough starting after eating, but ending with vomiting. 
  • It also treats suffocating dry cough caused from tickling of mucus in chest making patient gasping for breath on starting of cough attack. 
  • It specifically treats cough caused after eating, from anger, from sleeping in damp room, from warmth of bed.
  • It specifically treats cough that occur mostly after midnight, in morning and from lying down on bed. 
  • It specifically treats cough with catarrhal inflammation, mild in larynx, but intense in trachea and bronchi.

4) Rumex crispus-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats violent cough with difficult expectoration causing soreness of chest.
  • It specifically treats cough caused by pressure, talking, on lying down in bed, changing rooms or exposure to cold air. 
  • It also treats cough which is caused from uncovering head while sleeping, from exposure to cold air, while changing clothes.
  • It specifically treats cough that usually occur at midnight and in early morning. 
  • It specifically treats cough causing pain in middle of chest with soreness in larynx and causing pain in shoulders, stomach and left lung.

5) Belladonna-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats paroxysmal dry cough with blood streaked expectoration. But, expectoration comes only on prolonged coughing.
  • It specifically treats cough that usually occurs in evening and at night, after lying down or from talking.
  • It also treats cough with inflammation of larynx and trachea. 
  • It specifically treats dry, short cough caused from tickling in larynx with radiating pain in stomach and nape of neck.
  • It specifically treats violent dry cough of child that makes child cry after coughing, so painful cough is.

6) Spongia-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats chronic, dry barking, wheezing cough.
  • It specifically treats chronic cough with violent attacks that cause small hard tubercles. During these attacks there is present profuse mucus in bronchi with expectoration of yellow white mucus with dyspnoea.
  • It specifically treats cough caused from lying with head low, from warm room, from perspiration, from excitement, from drinking cold drinks or smoking tobacco.
  • Treats dry wheezing cough with tickling in larynx and burning in chest.

7) Causticum-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats cough of singers and speakers for example teachers, anchors. It also treats weakness of their vocal cords caused from over-exertion of voice.
  • It also treats cough that cause sore sensation in trachea in chest during coughing. 
  • It also treats cough with acrid mucus deep in chest that hardly expectorate, but cause pain in hips and urinary passage during coughing. 
  • It also treats hawking cough due to rawness or tickling in throat.
  • It specifically treats cough caused from diminished vitality/strength in body.
  • It specifically treats cough that starts in evening, last till midnight, but starts as soon as patient lie down. 

8) Merc-sol-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats violent racking cough that usually occur at night.
  • It also treats violent cough with feeling that it would burst head or chest. 
  • It specifically treats violent cough with tickling in larynx and upper chest with expectoration of acrid, offensive smelling mucus mixed with coagulated  blood
  • Treats violent racking cough that cause dyspnoea during coughing, making difficult for patient to speak even a single word.

9) Coccus cacti-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats cough of drunkards that starts in evening and last till morning.
  • It specifically treats cough caused from change of weather from warm to cold. This cough continues whole winter until next summer starts. 
  • It specifically treats cough caused due to exercise, from lying on bed, after dinner or from going in warm room. 
  • It specifically treats cough whose starting is dry, but after that thick albuminous mucus is vomited causing headache and excoriated feeling in throat. 
  • It also treats cough with sensation of mucus tickling in trachea here and there.

10) Hepar Sulph-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats hoarse croupy night cough with rattling of mucus and choking.
  • It specifically treats cough caused due to exposure to cold air at night, from drinking cold water, uncovering of any part of body even of a hand exposed to cold air. 
  • It specifically treats cough of infants with continuous rattling mucus in chest causing suffocation. 
  • It specifically treats cough with severe laryngeal catarrh with dryness and pain in upper portion of throat. 
  • It also treats cough with feeling that during eating food, mucus is also getting swallowed. 
  • It specifically treats violent suffocating cough with violent retching causing expectoration. It causes pain in one ear, which extends to other ear.
  • It treats rattling, choking cough that specifically occurs in morning after eating. 
  • It specifically treats cough with elongated flabby uvula and enlargement and inflammation of mucus follicles.
  • It also treats cough with expectoration only in daytime, not at night.

So, that was all regarding 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats cough. But, take them only under supervision of Homoeopathic doctor. 

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