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10 Homeopathic Medicines that specifically Treats Vertigo

Vertigo is caused by different causes. Depending upon cause, there are 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats vertigo. For example, Natrum carb treats vertigo caused by mental exertion. China treats vertigo caused by loss of vital fluids. Like that there 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats vertigo. Lets discuss each of them in detail.

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Vertigo has associated symptoms with it. Sometimes, it occurs with nausea and vomiting. Sometimes, it occurs with headache. Sometimes, it is worse from standing and sometimes from lying. Depending upon reasons behind or associated symptoms, there is a specific Homeopathic medicine that specifically treats that specific type of vertigo.

10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats vertigo-

1) Aconite-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats vertigo caused after emotional excitement. It also treats vertigo caused from functional heart disease.
  • It also treats vertigo associated with frontal and occipital headache. It also treats vertigo associated with sensation of drunkenness. 
  • It also treats vertigo associated with loss of consciousness after vertigo. 
  • It also treats vertigo associated with dimness of vision.
  • It also treats vertigo aggravated from raising or moving head. It also treats vertigo aggravated on stooping.

2) Gelsemium-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats vertigo caused by lack of co-ordination of muscles.
  • It treats vertigo associated with dimness of vision and heaviness of head.
  • It treats vertigo aggravated from smoking. 
  • It treats vertigo with sensation as if he would fall. It treats vertigo associated with dizziness. 
  • It treats vertigo associated with drunken feeling as if intoxicated.

3) Belladonna-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats epileptiform vertigo. It treats benign paroxysmal positional vertigo caused from turning head quickly in a circle.
It also treats vertigo caused from walking. It treats vertigo caused from anguish.
  • It treats vertigo associated with nausea and dullness of mind.
  • It treats vertigo associated with lightening sensation before eyes. 
  • It also treats vertigo associated with loss of consciousness, with tendency to fall on left side. 
  • It treats vertigo aggravated from going in room. It also treats vertigo aggravated both from rest as well as motion.

4) Phosphorus-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats chronic vertigo. It specifically treats benign paroxysmal positional vertigo caused from turning head.
  • It treats vertigo aggravated from rising up from sitting position. It treats vertigo aggravated in morning and in noon. 
  • It also treats vertigo aggravated after consuming meal.
  • It also treats vertigo with associated nausea and headache. 
  • It also treats vertigo associated with dimness of vision. It treats vertigo associated with shivering. 

5) China-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats vertigo caused from loss of vital fluid. It treats vertigo caused by anaemia.
  • It treats vertigo associated with faintness with tendency to fall backwards.
  • It treats vertigo associated with throbbing headache. 
  • It treats vertigo aggravated from sitting. It also treats vertigo that aggravates at night.
  • It treats vertigo associated with ringing in ears. It treats vertigo associated with hypothermia.

6) Lycopodium-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats benign paroxysmal positional vertigo caused from turning head. It treats vertigo caused from business tension.
  • It treats vertigo associated with dizziness. 
  • It treats vertigo aggravated from standing, on rising from seat suddenly. It treats vertigo aggravated in morning. 
  • It also treats vertigo aggravated from going in warm room. It also treats vertigo aggravated from drinking.

7) Calcarea carb-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats benign paroxysmal positional vertigo caused from turning head. It treats vertigo caused from hypothermia.
  • It treats vertigo associated with nausea and roaring sensation in head. 
  • It treats vertigo aggravated from standing, from sitting position and in afternoon. 
  • It treats vertigo aggravated from walking or ascending stairs. 

8) Rhus-tox-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats violent vertigo caused from fear of dying. It also treats vertigo caused from senile changes (old age, aging changes) in brain.
  • It also treats vertigo aggravated from walking.
  • It also treats vertigo associated with dimness of vision with tendency to fall forward or backward.
  • It also treats vertigo aggravated from sitting, standing and lying.

9) Digitalis-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats severe vertigo caused from weak heart functioning. It treats vertigo caused from improper brain functioning.

That is, when brain is not able to work properly because of reduced blood supply to heart because of poor circulation functioning of heart. Due to this reduced blood supply to brain, it is not able to work properly. That results in fatigue and vertigo.

  • It also treats vertigo aggravated from motion.
  • It also treats vertigo associated with nausea and vomiting. 
  • It treats vertigo associated with very slow pulse rate.

10) Natrum carb-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats vertigo caused from too much mental exertion, for example reading, writing or from calculating work.

It also treats vertigo caused from working in sunlight, for example in farmers or labourer.

It treats vertigo caused by anemia.

It also treats vertigo aggravated from rest.

So, that was all regarding which Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats, which type of vertigo. But, their action depends on right potency and dosage that is decided after complete review of vertigo case. Therefore, do not take them on your own. Let the Homeopathic doctor do the work. Take them only under supervision of Homoeopathic doctor. 

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