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10 Homoeopathic Medicines that specifically Treats Anaemia

Anaemia is the state of body in which red blood cells of human body falls, below normal level in blood. Red blood cells carry oxygen to various organs. When they are reduced in number, then amount of oxygen carried to organs is also reduced. Due to reduced oxygen level, organs are not able work efficiently. That result in fatigue, dizziness, heart palpitations, pain in legs and decreased work output. Arsenic, China and Ferrum phos are one of the specific Homeopathic medicines that specifically treat anaemia. Like that there are around total 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treat anaemia. Lets discuss each of them in detail.

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Anaemia occurs when haemoglobin level of human body falls below its normal value. Normal value of haemoglobin according to WHO for females is 12 to 15 g/dl and for males is 13 to 17 g/dl. Haemoglobin plays very important role in manufacture of red blood cells.

10 Specific Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats anaemia-

1) Arsenic-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats pernicious anaemia. It specifically treats anaemia caused due to disintegration of red blood cells.
  • It also treats anaemia caused due to nutritional deficiency, resulting out of consuming iron lacking diet. 
  • It also treats weakness associated with anaemia. 
  • It also treats restlessness and heart palpitations that anaemic patient suffers from. 
  • It also treats fear of death that some anaemic patient feels.

2) Pulsatilla-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats chloro-anaemia of women. It also treats anaemia caused due to hormonal diseases.
  • This medicine also treats anaemia of phlegmatic patients. 
  • It also treats hypothermia caused due to anaemia. 

3) Hydrastis-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats anaemia caused due to dyscrasic/debilitating diseases. For example, carcinoma, marasmus, tumours. It treats anaemia caused due to these diseases.
  • It treats anaemia of underweight people. 
  • It also treats anaemia caused due to excessive leucorrhoea and gonorrhoea.
  • It also treats anaemia caused due to side effects of allopathic medicines. 
  • It also treats anaemia caused due to gallstones. 
  • It also stops excessive haemorrhage caused due to lack of platelets in body.

4) Ferrum met-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats anaemia of chlorotic girls and women. It also treats anaemia with false plethora.
  • It also treats excessive paleness of mucous membranes of body found associated with anaemia. 
  • It also treats gastralgic pains and indigestion found in anaemic patient. 
  • It also treats vomiting of food immediately after consuming it, due to weak digestive system. 
  • It also treats anaemic murmur of arteries.

5) Sepia-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats chloro-anaemia of women. It also treats anaemia caused due to defective assimilation of iron from food.
  • It also treats anaemia caused due to nutritional deficiency, resulting out of indifference to consumption of certain healthy food items. 
  • It also treats lactose intolerance.
  • It also treats aliments caused after usage of water. For example, headache after cleaning head hair or pain in legs after washing clothes. 
  • It treats anaemia of short height woman.

6) China-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats anaemia caused due to loss of blood, in excessive haemorrhage as happens in accidents.
  • It also treats nutritional anaemia caused in body, due to loss of body fluids and electrolytes in vomiting, diarrhoea or dysentery.
  • It also treats anaemia caused due to excessive leucorrhoea. 
  • It also treats anaemia caused due to nutritional deficiency due to over-lactation.
  • It also treats fatigue and faintness caused because of anaemia. 
  • It also treats fruit intolerance that certain people have, in which patient can’t digest any kind of fruit. 
  • It also treats tremors and palpitations caused due to anaemia. 
  • It also treats insomnia (lack of sleep, sleeplessness) that certain people have. 

7) Natrum carb-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats anaemia of students. It also treats iron deficiency anaemia caused to habit of skipping breakfast in morning.
  • It also treats anaemia caused due to excessive stress or anxiety.
  • It also treats anaemia of nervousness, psoric and phlegmatic people.
  • It also treats anaemia having prolonged past history of depression.
  • It also treats headache of students caused after exposure to sunlight. 

8) Ferrum phos-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats anaemia caused due to loss of blood, as happens in profuse haemorrhage.
  • It also treats anaemia caused due to chronic disease. 
  • It also treats anaemia caused due to iron deficiency.
  • It also treats anaemia caused due to prolonged menses.
  • It also treats faintness, fatigue and loss of appetite associated with anaemia. 

9) Natrum mur-

This Homoeopathic medicine treats anaemia caused due to loss of vital fluids.
  • It also treats anaemia caused due to malarial cachexia.
  • It also treats dry skin caused due to iron deficiency anaemia. 
  • It also treats tiredness of body resulting out, from even little exertion because of anaemia in background.
  • It also treats prolonged depression associated with anaemia.
  • It also treats aliments caused due to prolonged exposure to sunlight. 

10) Kali carb-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats anaemia caused due to nutritional deficiency.
  • It also treats hypothermia associated with anaemia that patient specifically has in outdoor, not in indoor.
  • It also treats benign paroxysmal positional vertigo caused due to anaemia. 
  • It also treats vertigo from riding in a car or bus that is again indoor, not outside the vehicle. This is caused due to lack of vitality in body due to nutritional lack.

So, that was all regarding 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats anaemia. But, take them under supervision of Homoeopathic doctor. 

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