According to orthodox system of allopathic system of medicine, disease has particular set of some common symptoms, which are common to every patient of that particular disease. According to them, disease is caused when some unhealthy factors like some unhygienic, unhealthy environmental conditions, or some disease causing pathogens affects body or some contaminated food, water or air or some disease causing agents gain entrance inside body. They are culprits responsible for causing disease. So, this was about what is disease according to allopathy.
1) Acute diseases.
2) Sub-acute diseases.
3) Chronic diseases.
Now, first comes, acute diseases, which is first type into which allopathic system has classified term disease. According to allopathic system of medicine, acute diseases are those diseases which are acute, that is, of recent onset and are caused by acute factor, that is, factor of recent origin.
Do you know- What is called Disease according to Homoeopathy?
Now, coming back to topic of today’s article, which is, "Into how many types is term disease classified into according to allopathic system of medicine?" Diseases are classified into following three types according to allopathic system of medicine and these are as follow-
1) Acute diseases.
2) Sub-acute diseases.
3) Chronic diseases.
1) Acute diseases-
Now, first comes, acute diseases, which is first type into which allopathic system has classified term disease. According to allopathic system of medicine, acute diseases are those diseases which are acute, that is, of recent onset and are caused by acute factor, that is, factor of recent origin. - Very important thing which define term acute disease is that acute diseases are always of less than six weeks duration. That is, when any disease occurring to a patient is of less than six weeks duration, then it is called acute disease.
2) Sub-acute diseases-
Sub-acute diseases are second type into which term disease is classified according to allopathic system of medicine. Now, what are sub-acute diseases? Sub-acute diseases are those diseases which are of more than six weeks duration. Duration of more than six weeks has elapsed since their occurrence.3) Chronic diseases-
Now, what are chronic diseases according to allopathic system of medicine? According to allopathic system of medicine, only those diseases are considered chronic diseases, which run indefinitely and are of more than one year duration and since their occurrence a long time of so many years have elapsed. They have gradual onset and progress slowly.Do you know- What is called Disease according to Homoeopathy?