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3 Types Chronic Diseases according to Homoeopathic Classification of diseases

According to Homoeopathic system of medicine, chronic diseases are further classified into three different types, which are very necessary to diagnose before initiating Homoeopathic treatment of a chronic disease case.

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First, of all what are chronic diseases according to Homoeopathy? Chronic diseases are those diseases which a person is having from a very long time in his life and they are caused by chronic miasm and have gradual onset, progress gradually, slowly and they can pass from one generation to another, if not treated at time and can also lead to death of person if not treated at time.

So, that was, about what chronic diseases are. Now, coming back to topic of article, “What are different types of chronic diseases according to Homoeopathy?” How many types, chronic diseases have, according to Homoeopathic system of classification? There is following three types of chronic diseases according to Homoeopathic system of classification, which are-

1.      Pseudo-chronic diseases.
2.      Artificial chronic diseases.
3.      True natural chronic diseases.

1)      Pseudo-chronic diseases-
Pseudo-chronic diseases are those diseases which are caused by some avoidable maintaining cause. Avoidable maintaining cause means any maintaining cause which can be avoided, which is avoidable, if one try on daily basis to avoid it; then you can prevent these pseudo chronic diseases.
  • Now, why these pseudo-chronic diseases are called pseudo-chronic or false chronic or inappropriately named chronic diseases? The reason for this is that they are called pseudo-chronic, false chronic and inappropriately named chronic diseases because they are not caused by any chronic miasm. 
  • Chronic miasm as cause behind is very necessary to be there if any chronic disease is to be called true chronic disease. So, now you get it why they are named pseudo, false or inappropriately named chronic diseases. 
  • Why they are called chronic diseases, if they do not have any chronic miasm as cause behind? 
  • They are called chronic diseases because they have all the characteristic of chronic diseases except one that are they are not caused by chronic miasm. Other characteristics which they have of chronic diseases, on basis of which they are called chronic diseases, are, that they progress slowly, gradually like chronic diseases; they suffer a patient for a long period of time like chronic diseases, if maintaining cause is not removed at time.

2)     Artificial chronic diseases-
Artificial chronic diseases are those diseases which are caused by consumption of non-healing allopathic medicines in large doses for long period of time continuously. 
  • These are called artificial chronic diseases because here cause is not internal chronic miasm, but it is prolonged use of allopathic medicines in large doses for prolonged period of time. They are caused by artificial means that is medicines and not the internal cause miasm.
  • Among all types of chronic diseases, these are most incurable if they have deteriorated human body system to great extent and therefore, medicinal aid is required to treat them. 
  • But, if, they have not deteriorated the system not to great extent, and there lies still some hope, then they can be cured by vital force itself if left undisturbed for several years. 
  • But, if they have damaged the system to great extent, if they have done damage, deterioration to vital force to great extent. Then these diseases are most difficult to cure even with the help of medicines, as allopathic medicines when consumed in large doses regularly for so many years produce artificial chronic disease inside body along with natural chronic disease. First those diseases,, medicines were taken,, due to which clinical manifestation of both types of diseases are so mixed up that it becomes difficult to select right medicine for true and permanent cure of these types of cases and they can be cured only temporarily, but not permanently.

3)     True natural chronic diseases-
True natural chronic diseases are those types of chronic diseases which are caused by chronic miasms. The miasms are of following three types, which are-
a)      Psora.
b)      Syphilis.
c)      Sycosis.

True natural chronic diseases can be caused by any one of the single miasm or combination of the above three miasms.

Those true natural chronic diseases which are caused by single miasm are-
i)                    Psora.
ii)                  Syphilis.
iii)                Sycosis.

And second category of true natural chronic diseases which are caused by different combinations of these three different types of miasms are-
i)                    Psora-syphilis.
ii)                  Psora-sycosis.
iii)                Syphilis-sycosis.
iv)                Psora-syphilis-sycosis.

Also know- How many Types Acute Diseases have according to Homoeopathy?

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