What is depression? It is feeling of sadness, feeling low all time. Affected person suffers from weeping mood all time. It is also known as clinical depression, unipolar disorder or major depressive disorder in medical field. It creates feeling of siting alone. It interferes with daily routine of a person because it creates aversion to do any work. There are 5 specific Homoeopathic medicine that specifically treats depression. Let’s discuss each of them in detail.
Image Source - https://pixabay.com/photos/depression-anxiety-sadness-upset-4782718/ |
Causes of depression-
Depression occur due to following causes. For example-
- It is more common in females than males, but present in both.
- It is genetically inherited too. If mother or father or any of grandparents suffer from depression, then children are sure to suffer from it. Chances of passing on depression genetically is three times more, if parents or grandparents suffer from it.
- It is more common in people, who have deficiency of neurotransmitter in brain.
Image Source - https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:A_woman_suffering_from_Clinical_Depression.png |
- It also occur in people, after death of closed one.
- It occur in certain people, after disappointed love.
- Sometimes, cause of depression is mental or physical torture in childhood.
- Hormonal changes that occur in for example in menopause, after pregnancy also cause depression. After pregnancy, there occurs post-partum depression.
- After drug abuse
5 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically Treat Depression-
1) Ignatia amara-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats depression of recent origin.
Image Source - https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_flora_homoeopathica_(8260610311).jpg |
- It also treats all time sadness of depression.
- It also treats that type of depression, in which patient starts weeping, on asking cause of depression.
2) Kali Phosphoricum-
Image Source - https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Kalium_phosphoricum_12x.JPG |
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats depression that occurs with insomnia. That means depression with lack of sleep. Patients have difficulty in sleeping. Depressive thoughts come to mind, when trying to sleep, these thoughts prevents deep sleep.
- It also treats depression that occurs in people, who feel weakness all time. So, it treats depression of very thin and weak patient.
- It also treats insomnia that is lack of sleep, caused due to chronic nutritional deficiency in body.
3) Aurum metallicum-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats depression, that occurs with suicidal thoughts.
- It also treats depression that occurs in old age.
- It treats depression, in which patient feels that there is no worth of living. If patient feels that only solution of depression is suicide, then this medicine treats that depression with that kind of thoughts.
4) Natrum muriaticum-
It specifically treats depression of chronic origin. That means depression, which is 5 to 20 years old. Patient is in grief from that long time, this Homoeopathic medicine treats that sadness.
- This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats depression, in which patient goes in silent mode. That means patient does not want to talk to anybody. Patient wants to remain alone all time.
- It treats depression, the story of which is unexpressed by patient to anybody. It treats depression caused, due to suppressed grief.
- It treats that kind of depression, in which patient weeps when alone. Patient does not want to show his weakness, by weeping in front of another person. Therefore, if patient weeps alone, along with depression, this medicine is solution.
5) Sepia-
Image Source - https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Sepia_officinalis_Zeelandbrug.jpg |
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats depression that occurs after menopause, due to hormonal changes.
- It also treats post-partum depression that occurs after pregnancy, due to sudden hormonal changes.
- It treats depression, in which patient has become indifferent towards his family. That means patient have lost attachment with family members and closed ones.
- It also treats depression that is of chronic origin.
- It also treats depression that occurs due to inferiority complex, in short height woman.
- It also treats depression that occurs in woman, who suffer from delayed menses.
So, that was all regarding 5 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treat depression. These are just few, there are lot of Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treat depression. They treat specific kind of depression, caused due to specific cause. But, decision of giving a Homoeopathic medicine for depression requires a full case taking. That a Homoeopathic doctor is proficient in. Also these medicines needs to be changed from time to time. So, do their potency needs to be changed. That a Homoeopathic doctor can do best. Therefore, take these Homoeopathic medicine under supervision of a Homoeopathic doctor.