What are different types diseases according to Homoeopathic system of medicine? Homoeopathic system of medicine has entirely different system of classification of diseases which is based on fundamental laws of nature. It has 2 types of diseases according to Homoeopathic classification of diseases.
system of medicine has based its system of classification of diseases on
duration of illness and mode of its progress.
- Whereas Homeopathic system of medicine has different criteria for classification of diseases.
- Homoeopathic system of medicine has classified diseases based on criteria of clinical manifestations of diseases, individualization of diseases and also progress of diseases, cause of diseases and mode of onset of disease and not only duration of diseases.
It includes
both types of clinical manifestations of diseases whether it is common or uncommon
clinical manifestations.
- It’s not like allopathic system of medicine that does not use clinical manifestations of diseases at all for classifying diseases, they classify diseases only on basis of duration of illness and progress of disease which is incomplete criteria itself.
- Allopathic system completely ignores cause of disease, mode of onset of disease, during process of classification of diseases.
So, based on criteria of classification of diseases according
to Homoeopathic system of medicine, diseases are classified into following
two types-
1. Surgical diseases.2. Dynamic diseases.
1. Surgical diseases-
Surgical diseases are those where no internal dynamic cause of disease exists. These diseases are not caused by dynamic internal cause. Instead, it is caused by external cause which is non-dynamic, example of which is various kinds of external injuries encountered during accidents such as-
· Chemical injuries.
· Burns.
· Fractures.
· Electrical injury.
· Abrasions.
2. Dynamic diseases-
Dynamic diseases are those diseases which are caused by some morbific dynamical inimical force, which deranges the dynamic internal vital force, which result in various signs and symptoms. These diseases are always caused by dynamic inimical morbific force. They cannot be caused non-dynamic force, existence of dynamic force is must and that, too, should be morbifically inimical to internal vital force. So, this was what dynamic diseases are, but that’s not all. These dynamic diseases are further classified into two sub types-
a) Acute diseases.
b) Chronic diseases.
a) Acute diseases-
are those diseases which are caused by some exciting cause which is capable of causing transient explosion of latent psora lying concealed inside human body. These diseases have very sudden onset, progress rapidly, finish itself either into recovery or sometimes into death when not using medicine. They have limited duration of suffering because they rapidly either get cured or terminate into death. But, whatever happens, it happens rapidly, its inherent quality of acute diseases.
So, this was about acute diseases which are further classified into three sub-subtypes which are-
i) Individual diseases.
ii) Sporadic diseases.
iii) Epidemic diseases.
What are these three subtypes that have been already discussed on Homoeopathic Blog in article titled, “How many types acute diseases have according to Homoeopathy?”
b) Chronic diseases-
are those diseases which are caused due to chronic miasm. Chronic diseases run all through life, if not treated at time and terminate the person to death. So, main highlighting difference between acute diseases and chronic diseases is that acute diseases occur suddenly, very rapidly for short fixed span of time whereas chronic diseases occur gradually, not at all suddenly, have an insidious onset and occurs for unlimited period of life time and person terminates to death if not treated at time. But, one main differentiating point between acute diseases and chronic diseases is that acute diseases can get recovered itself without help of medicine in some cases but chronic diseases cannot recover themselves without the help of medicine not even in single case.
Like acute diseases, chronic diseases are further classified into three subtypes which are as follow-
i) Pseudo-chronic diseases.
ii) Artificial chronic diseases.
iii) True natural chronic diseases.
Details of these three subtypes have been already discussed on Homoeopathic Blog in article titled, “How many types chronic diseases have according to Homoeopathy?”