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4 Homoeopathic Medicines that Treats Peptic Ulcer

Peptic ulcer disease is disease of alimentary canal. It effects males more than females. Some peptic ulcer occurs in oesophagus, some in gastric region and some in duodenal region. There are 4 specific Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats Peptic ulcer. Let’s discuss each of them in detail.

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Causes of Peptic ulcer –
  • Inherited from parents in genes – because of family history of Peptic ulcer in parents. 
  • Stress 
  • Over consumption of alcohol 
  • Chronic smoking from many years
  • Consuming fibre less diet
  • Over consumption of fast food
  • H. Pylori bacteria
  • Aging
  • Side effects of some allopathic medicines 

How to identify that you suffer from Peptic ulcer?
You can identify it with presence of its symptoms in you – for example –
  • Pain in abdomen after eating food in gastric ulcer. Whereas in duodenal ulcer pain gets relieved after eating.
  • Pain in abdomen more at night in gastric ulcer.
  • Bleeding – in gastric ulcer, blood comes in vomiting, whereas in duodenal ulcer blood comes in stool (potty).
  • No desire to eat food in gastric ulcer.
  • Body weight loss – rapid decrease in body weight 

4 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats Peptic ulcer  –

1) Nitric acid –

This Homoeopathic medicine  treats all the 3 TYPES of Peptic ulcer – that is, oesophageal ulcer, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer. 
  • It treats that type of Peptic ulcer, in which splinter like PAIN occurs at location of Peptic ulcer.
  • It treats peptic ulcer with HISTORY of profound tiredness all the time.
  • It treats peptic ulcer of those patients, who are very obstinate in NATURE, does not forgive easily.

2) Ornithogalum –

This Homoeopathic medicine treats all the 3 TYPES of Peptic ulcer.
  • It treats Peptic ulcer of those patients, who SUFFER from sour eructations (khate dakar). 
  • It treats Peptic ulcer of those patients, whose vomiting and sour eructations (khate dakar) are very offensive.

3) Hydrastis –

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats Peptic ulcer of those patients, who SUFFER from gastric ulcer.
  • It specifically treats Peptic ulcer of old AGE patients.
  • It treats Peptic ulcer with unbearable abdominal PAIN, which feels like intense burning in abdomen.
  • It treats Peptic ulcer of syphilitic patients.
  • It treats Peptic ulcer of patients, with HISTORY of chronic gastritis.
  • It treats Peptic ulcer of those patients, in whom vomiting of food occurs AFTER eating WITH severe pain in abdomen. 

4) Arsenicum album – 

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats Peptic ulcer.
  • It treats that type of Peptic ulcer, in which burning PAIN in abdomen occurs at night.
  • It treats Peptic ulcer of those patients, who FEAR of dying from disease. 
  • It also treats Peptic ulcer of those patients, who CANNOT  bear smell of food, nausea occurs from smell.
  • It also treats Peptic ulcer of those patients, who DRINK water very often, but in smaller quantity of sip of water.
  • It treats Peptic ulcer of those patients, who have HISTORY of gastritis in past.

Thanks to Mylo Team and my Followers –

So, that was all regarding 4 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats Peptic ulcer. Take them under supervision of a Homoeopathic doctor. For latest notification of Health videos, SUBSCRIBE our YouTube channels –

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