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8 Homoeopathic Medicines that specifically Treat Acne

Acne are also known with name of pimples among common man. Mostly, they occur in young age group, after puberty. In some, acne occurs a little late, around age of 30 years. Mostly, it occurs in age group of 13 to 30 years. Acne occurs due to bacteria, flourishing in blocked oil duct of skin. Oil duct of skin get blocked, due to excess oil production. That over oil production occurs due to, hormonal imbalance that occurs at puberty. There are 8 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats acne. Let’s discuss each of them in detail.
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Acne makes skin oily, which needs special care. Acne, if not treated right way, then they can leave scars on your face. It needs both medicinal care as well as skin care for right healing. Acne skin care includes-
  • Using right face wash for skin- for example, neem face wash is considered best for acne skin. 
  • Aloe vera gel is right moisturiser for oily skin of acne. Because skin is already secreting lot of oil, therefore, using oily moisturiser is big no. Gel based moisturiser is best for oily skin. 
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  • To deep clean oily skin, neem face pack and neem scrub are best. Use them only twice a week. 
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So, that was regarding skin care for oily skin. Now comes, Homoeopathic medicinal care for oily skin.

10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats Acne (Pimples)-

1) Calcarea phos-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats acne of fatty, overweight girls. 
  • It also treats acne of those people, who started walking late in childhood age. 
  • It specifically treats acne of people, who suffer from chronic disease.
  • It also treats acne of girls suffering from, profuse and long lasting menses.
  • It specifically treats acne of girls, suffering from iron deficiency.

2) Nitric acid-

It specifically treats those cases of acne, in which pimples occurs on hairline.
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  • It also treats acne of that person, who suffer chronic debilitating diseases. 
  • It specifically treats acne of those patients, who have never forgive nature. Once they get angry, they are difficult to console. They agree, when they have some work with you. Unless, they keep anger with you in mind. Basically, they are people, who doesn’t forgive you easily, keep anger for you in mind, for many years.
  • It also treats acne that occur in patients, suffering from anaemia. 
  • It specifically treats acne of patient, who suffer from bad odour problem. He when opens his mouth, very bad smell comes from mouth. Smell of sweat of this kind of patient is very bad. Even his urine smell very bad, leave very bad smell in toilet, after urinating.
  • It also treats acne of patients, who lack vital body heat. Such kind of patients feel more coldness than others.
  • It specially treats acne of patients, who suffer from aphthae in mouth.

3) Sulphur- 
It treats acne of those girls, who does not maintain proper skin hygiene. Treats acne of patients, who does not follow acne skin care. For example, who doesn’t wash their face in whole day, due to lazy nature.
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  • It also treats those cases of acne, which are located on forehead and back.
  • It specifically treats skin problems, caused after side effects of allopathic medicines. 
  • It also treats acne of those people, who suffer from problem of urticaria (itching).

4) Pulsatilla-
It specifically treats acne that occurs around age of puberty, near by menarche. It is age, when menses start.
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  • It also treats acne that occur in young girls, who have very mild nature. Girls that are soft spoken and cry easily on little things.
  • It also treats acne of those girls, who suffer from menstrual irregularities. For example- delayed menses.
  • It specifically treats acne of patients, who suffer from gastric problems. For example, gastric problems caused after consuming ice cream or milk based things.
  • Not only that, it also treats acne that get more worse after consuming heavy fatty meal.
  • It specifically treats acne that get worse, from exposure to sunlight.

5) Calcarea Sulph-
It specifically treats those cases of acne, in which pimples occurs on hairline.
  • It also treats acne that occurs in teenagers. 
  • It specifically treats those acne of teenage group that suppurate. Suppuration is so much that they turn into boils. In simple language, for you to understand, pimples with lot of pus, that this medicine treats wonderfully.

6) Antimony crudum-
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats acne that occur in drunkards.
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  • It also treats acne that occur in fatty people, with white coated tongue.
  • It specifically treats acne of those people, who suffer from corn in foot.
  • It also treats acne of people, who suffer from piles.
  • It specifically treats those acne, which are filled with pus.

7) Graphite-
It specifically treats pimples of girls, who have acne before and after menses, not during menses.
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  • It also treats pimples of those girls, who have pimples with dry skin. Usually, pimples occurs with oily skin. But, if they occur with dry skin, then medicine is Graphite.
  • It specifically treats acne of those girls, who have suffered from eczema in their childhood.
  • It specifically treats eczema that occurs on folds of skin. For example, elbow, knee. Eczema that this medicine treats is moist, yellow and formal scaly crusts on skin.

8) Natrum muriaticum- 
This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats acne vulgaris.
  • It also treats acne of anaemic girl students.
  • It specifically treats acne of those students, who suffer from headache. It also treats headache caused after- over exposure to sun, over exertion of eyes. 
  • It treats those acne, on which lot of itching occurs.
  • It treats acne of those girls, who love to eat salty and fried things.

So, that was all regarding 8 Homoeopathic Medicines that specifically treats Acne (Pimples).

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