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5 Homoeopathic Medicines that specifically Treat Memory Weakness

Often there occurs that you sometimes forget, to pick up certain things. Sometimes, you forget, what you are going to do next. Sometimes, you forget task, you have just done. Sometimes, you just forget, exact road going to destination. If this occurs rarely, then there is no problem. But, if this forgetting things scenario, occurs on routine basis, then that is a problem. Normally memory weakness occurs in old age. But, if it occurs in young age, then that is thing to worry. There are 5 specific Homeopathic medicines that specifically treat weak memory problem. Let’s discuss each of them in detail.

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Causes of memory weakness-

1) Old age-
Due to brain tissue aging (regression), memory weakness occurs in old age. Due to dementia (brain tissue damage), old age people starts, forgetting things every now.

2) Lack of 8 hours sleep-
Hectic work schedule with lack of hours, to sleep cause memory weakness. Like your body, brain also needs refreshment. For that it needs rest, like your rest of body needs. For that brain needs sleep of 8 hours. When you sleep, your body and brain repair itself. Lack of sleep creates sleepy, tired feeling whole day. That sleepy dullness does not let things to be remembered. That cause memory blockage, causing weak memory. That is why it is said, “Early to bed, early to rise, to be wise.”

3) Side effect of certain medicines-
There are certain allopathic medicines, which are very strong. Some of them have their side effect on brain, causing memory weakness.

4) Unbalanced diet-
Lack of certain vitamin and minerals in diet, which improve memory, cause weak memory. For example, lack of iodine in diet, not only cause goitre, but also memory weakness.

5) Head injury-
It is also one of the cause of memory weakness. Due to brain tissue damage of certain area of brain in head injury, results sometimes in memory problems.

6) Surgery

7) Drug addiction

8) Side effect of strong psychiatric medicines-
There are certain allopathic psychiatric medicines, which are very strong. They are given to calm minds of chronic depression patient.

5 Homoeopathic Medicines that specifically treats memory weakness-

1) Baryta Carbonica-

It specifically treat memory weakness found in fatty, obese patient with short height.
  • It also treat memory weakness found in patients, who suffer from disorder of glands.
  • It specifically treat memory weakness found in students.
  • It also treats memory weakness, found in tumour patients.
  • It specifically treat memory weakness, found in thyroid patients.

2) Kali Phosphoricum-

It is very good brain tonic. It specifically treat memory weakness, found in patients suffering from depression.
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  • It also treat memory weakness, found in patients suffering from, anxiety disorders.
  • It specifically treats memory weakness, caused due to nutritional deficiency.
  • It also treats memory weakness found in thin, weak patients. 
  • It specifically treats memory weakness found in, patient suffering from chronic disease.

3) Kali bromatum-

Sometimes a person forget, what he is going to talk. Sometimes person forget, what he had talked. That kind of forgetfulness Homeopathic medicine Kali bromatum treats.

4) Acid Phosphoricum-

Sometimes while talking, patient is not able to remind right word, to be used during conversation. Due to which, completing a sentence becomes difficult. That kind of memory weakness Homoeopathic medicine Kali Phosphoricum treats.
  • It also treats memory weakness, caused due to nutritional deficiency diseases.
  • It specifically treats memory weakness caused, due to chronic diseases.
  • It also treats memory weakness found in patients, suffering from acidity or gas problems.

5) Nux Vomica-

It specifically treats memory weakness, caused due to lack of sleep.

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  • It also treats memory weakness, caused due to consumption of unbalanced diet.
  • It specifically treats memory weakness, found in drunkards.
  • It also treats memory weakness, caused due to side effects of, strong allopathic medicines.
  • It specifically treats memory weakness, found in students.
  • It also treats memory weakness caused, due to over work load, but with lack of proper sleep. 
  • It specifically treat memory weakness caused, due to over stress as well as anxiety.

So, that was all regarding 5 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats memory weakness. 

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