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5 Homoeopathic Medicines that treats Joint Pain of Osteoarthritis

What is Osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis is a diseased condition. In it, there occurs pain in joints. This pain in osteoarthritis occurs due to, degenerative changes. These deteriorating changes occur in articular cartilage of joints. What does this articular cartilage of joints do? It provides strength and cushioning effect to joints. It also prevents sudden jerks, during walking. It also provides lubrication to joints. Lubrication prevents collision of joint bones, with each other due to friction. There are 7 specific Homoeopathic medicine that specifically treats joint pains. Let’s discuss each of them in detail.
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When does this articular cartilage of joints degenerate?

It degenerates due to following factors-

1) Aging changes- when patient has reached to age of 40 years, that is starting era of aging changes.  Around that age, aging changes has started. These aging changes are degenerative changes. They occur in every tissue, bone and cartilage of body. Because of that efficiency of body decreases.

2) Diabetes

3) Gout- uric acid crystals formed in joints, due to gout cause joint pain. Uric acid crystals are formed, due to consumption of protein rich food in excess.

4) Arthritis- nodules formed in joints, due to arthritis cause joint pain.

5) Injury- it also plays a very important role in development of osteoarthritis. It is found that place where injury has occurred in young age, at same place osteoarthritis changes occur in old age.

6) Occupational- osteoarthritis joint pain occurs more in people, who work in standing position all day.

7) Obesity- joint pain also occur more in over-weight people.

Degeneration of that cartilage between bones of a joint, cause swelling in joints. Due to which there occurs pain, while moving joints. That becomes cause of loss of joint flexibility. Sometimes, with degeneration, there occurs effusion in joints.

5 Homoeopathic Medicines that specifically Treats Osteoarthritis-

1) Calcarea flour- 

It specifically treats joint pain of osteoarthritis that occurs in winter.
  • It treats joint pain caused due to, hard nodules formed in finger joints.
  • It specifically treats joint pain caused due to aging changes.
  • It also treats joint pains that occurs in people suffering from cancer.
  • It specifically treats joint pains caused due to deficiency of calcium in body due to aging.
  • It also treats joint pain in body that occurs due to calcium deficiency in old age woman.
  • It specifically treats joint pains in body that occurs due to metabolic disorders.

2) Ledum Pal-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats joint pains caused due to osteoarthritis.
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  • It also treats joint pain of osteoarthritis, caused after injury. 
  • It specifically treats joint pains that occur in rainy season.

3) Rhus tox-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats joint pain that occurs after over-exertion.
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  • It also treats joint pain that occur in rainy season of monsoon.
  • It specifically treats joint pain that arise, when starting to walk, but disappear after continues walking.
  • It also treats joint pains caused due to rheumatoid arthritis.

4) Rhododendron-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats joint pain that occur in rainy season of winters.
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  • It also treats joint pain that occurs, due to nodules formed in joints. 
  • It specifically treats joint pain that occur in over swollen joints.

5) Actea Spicata-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats joint pain that occur in fingers joints.
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  • It also treats joint pains that occur in small joints, having nodule formed in them.
  • It specifically treats joint pain that occur in morning.
  • It also treat joint pains caused, due to rheumatoid arthritis.
  • It specifically treats joint pain that occur in numb joints.

So, that was all regarding 5 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats joint pain of osteoarthritis. 

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