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10 Homoeopathic Medicines that specifically Treat Infertility

Infertility is inability of a couple to conceive a child. It keeps a couple away from happiness of parenthood. Sometimes cause of infertility is found in men, sometimes in women. Sometimes, both are cause. Homeopathic medicine Natrum muriaticum specifically treats infertility caused, due to ovulation related disorders. Homoeopathic medicine Baryta muriatica treats infertility caused due to underdeveloped reproductive organs. Like that there are around 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats infertility. Let’s discuss each of them in detail.

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Infertility is caused due to many reasons-
For example-
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  • Defective or deficient sperm production in men.
  • Defective egg  formation in female.
  • Underdeveloped organs in male or female.
  • Lack of confidence.
  • Chronic diseases.
  • Deficiency diseases.
  • Lack of desire
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.
  • Diseases of glands.

10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treat Infertility-

1) Agnus-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treat infertility. It treats infertility, caused due to psychological as well as anatomical reasons.
  • It also treats infertility caused, due to anatomical causes, for example- 
       -Scanty sperm production in men
       -Improper egg formation in female.

  • It specifically treats infertility caused, due to psychological reasons for example- 
        -Lack of desire or lack of confidence.
        -Nervous depression in both men and women

  • It also treats infertility caused, due to chronic tobacco consumption, from so many years .
  • It specifically treats infertility caused, due to premature old age.
  • It also treats infertility with, history of repeated gonorrhoea.

2) Sabal Serrulata-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats infertility. It treats infertility caused, due to general weakness in body, due to deficiency of nutrition.
  • It specifically treats infertility caused, due to anatomical reasons like underdeveloped or diseased sexual organs, both in male and female.
  • It also treats infertility caused, due to lack of sexual desire. It treats sexual desire reduced, due to nutritional deficiency. That is usually caused, due to consumption of unbalanced diet.
  • It specifically treats infertility with history of- prostatic enlargement, epididymitis, urinary problems and underdeveloped sexual organs.

3) Baryta muriatica-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats infertility caused, due to anatomical reasons. For example, underdeveloped female reproductive organs.
  • It also treats infertility caused, due to premature aging.
  • It specifically treats infertility with history of tonsillitis, muscular stiffness.

4) Platinum metallicum-

This Homeopathic medicine specifically treats infertility caused, due to ovarian disorders. For example, ovaritis in female.
  • It also treats infertility with history of paralysis, localised numbness, hysterical spasm, pruritus vulva, melancholia excessive desire.

5) Borax-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats infertility caused, due to diseases of female reproductive system.
  • It also treats infertility caused, due to ovulation related disorders in female.
  • It specifically treats infertility with history of menstrual disorders. 

6) Natrum muriaticum-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats infertility caused, due to nutritional deficiency in body.
  • It also treats infertility caused, due to ovulation related disorders.
  • It specifically treats infertility caused, due to impotency in men. 
  • It also treats infertility caused, due to hormonal diseases.
  • It also treats infertility with history of dropsies, oedema, anaemia and leucocytosis, rheumatism and gout. 
  • It specifically treats infertility caused, due to diseases of thyroid gland.

7) Graphite-

This Homeopathic medicine specifically treats infertility caused, due to ovulation disorders. For example, PCOD.
  • It also treats infertility with history of skin diseases.
  • It specifically treats infertility, found in obese people.
  • It also treats infertility caused, due to disorders of female reproductive system. 

8) Conium-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats infertility caused, due to PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome).
  • It also treats infertility caused due to disorders of female reproductive system. 
  • It specifically treats infertility caused, due to glandular disorders.
  • It also treats infertility with history of-dysmenorrhoea, premature aging, urinary trouble, weak memory, tumours, arteriosclerosis.

9) Iodum-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats infertility caused, due to lack of ovulation.
  • It also treats infertility caused due to glandular disorders.
  • It specifically treats infertility with history of- uterine haemorrhage, ovaritis. 
  • It also treats infertility with history of tuberculosis, lymphatic disorders, arthritis, pneumonia and acrid leucorrhoea.
  • It specifically treats infertility with history of lack of desire.

10) Medorrhinum-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats infertility caused, due to suppressed gonorrhoea.
  • It also treats infertility caused, due to chronic pelvic disorders.
  • It specifically treats infertility with, history of chronic rheumatism and chronic catarrh. 
  • It also treats infertility with history of offensive menses, acrid leucorrhoea, warts of genitalia.
  • It specifically treats infertility with sycotic miasma in background.

So, that was all regarding 10 Homoeopathic medicine that specifically treats infertility.

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