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6 Homoeopathic Medicines that specifically Treat Fatty Liver

Fatty liver disease is very common these days. Most of its patients are over weight, diabetic and alcoholic. It specifically affects group of people, who consume excessively fatty foods thrice a day. This disease if not treated at time, can cause cirrhosis of liver. Homoeopathic medicine Chelidonium majus specifically treats fatty liver. Homoeopathic medicine Lycopodium specifically treats fatty liver found in uric acid patients. Calcarea carb specifically treats fatty liver disease of young obese patients. Like that there are around 6 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats fatty liver. Let’s discuss each of them in detail.
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Fatty liver disease is usually asymptomatic. It manifests symptoms, when it has reached its peak. At that time it cause symptoms like-
  • Weight loss, when disease is at its peak. But in starting of disease, patient was obese
  • Indigestion 
  • Detection of existence of fatty liver in ultrasound 
  • Gallstones or bile acid obstruction 
  • Sour eructations.

6 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically Treat Fatty Liver-

1) Calcarea Carbonica-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treat fatty degeneration of liver found in over-weight, fatty people.
  • It specially treats fatty liver caused, due to consumption of fatty and deep fried snacks and meal in excess. 
  • It specifically treats pain in liver that occurs when stooping.
  • It also treats gall-stones associated with fatty liver.
  • It specifically treats fatty liver disease, found in patients of young age group. 

2) Picric acid-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats fatty degeneration of liver that cause profound weakness in patient.
  • It also treats muscular debility and progressive pernicious anaemia associated with this disease.

3) Chelidonium majus-

This Homeopathic medicine specifically treats fatty degeneration of liver.
  • It also treats jaundice caused due to gall stones. 
  • It specifically treats enlargement of liver that occurs in fatty liver disease.
  • It also treats bile acids related aliments that occur during pregnancy.
  • It is one of the specific Homeopathic medicine that specifically treats gallstones.

4) Lycopodium-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats fatty degeneration of liver, found in people, suffering from digestive problems and uric acid diathesis.
  • It also treats fatty liver, found in patients suffering from nervous hyperaemia.
  • It specifically treats hepatitis.
  • It also treats fatty liver disease that occurs in people with lymphatic constitution.
  • It specifically treats fatty liver disease, of people suffering from chronic disease.
  • It also treats pain in liver that aggravates in evening, from 4 to 8 PM.
  • It treats fatty liver disease of old age patients.

5) Phosphorus-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats fatty degeneration of liver, found in malignant jaundice patient.
  • It also treats fatty liver, found in heart disease patient.
  • It specifically treats fatty liver found in, people suffering caries of vertebrae and hip joint.
  • It also treat fatty liver disease causing, stitching pain in liver.

6) Mercurius-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats fatty degeneration of liver.
  • It also treats enlargement of liver, associated with fatty liver.
  • It specifically treats fatty liver of syphilitic patients, who suffer from hereditary syphilis.
  • It also treats bile acids related disorders of liver.
  • It specifically treats fatty liver, with background of, destructive inflammation of liver.
  • It also treats pain in liver, which aggravates at night.
  • It specifically treats tendency to formation of pus, in fatty liver disease.
  • It also treats weakness associated with fatty liver disease.
  • It specifically treats putrid educations that fatty liver patient suffers from.

So, that was all regarding 6 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treats fatty liver disease.

Preventive steps to stop, fatty liver disease from originating-

But, along with taking Homoeopathic treatment of fatty liver disease, do follow preventive steps. For example-
  • Eat moderately, but avoid eating excessively fatty foods. 
  • Eat more of vegetables and fruits. They are vitamin and minerals rich. Eat protein containing food. In short, consume balanced diet.
  • Do exercise daily that will help in digestion of fat. Excessive fat consumption is culprit in developing fatty liver disease.
  • Avoid consumption of junk food that contains no nutritive elements.

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