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9 Homoeopathic Medicines that specifically Treat High Cholesterol Levels

Cholesterol is good for body, if it remains in normal range. But, if it goes out to of range, then it is harmful for body. Harmful effects of cholesterol depends on, which type of cholesterol is raised in body. Cholesterol is further subdivided into three subtypes named HDL (high density lipoprotein), LDL (low density lipoprotein) and triglycerides. Out of these three subtypes, HDL is good for body. But, other two are bad for body, if goes out of normal range. Homeopathic medicine Aurum metallicum treats high cholesterol levels of adults. Whereas Homoeopathic medicine Calcarea carbonica treats high cholesterol levels of obese patients. Like that there are around 9 Homoeopathic medicine that specifically treats high cholesterol levels. Lets discuss each of them in detail.

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If total cholesterol level is below 200 mg/dl, then that is normal. But, if it goes in range of 200 to 239 mg/dl, then that is borderline high. But, if it reaches to level of 240 mg/dl or goes above it, then it is considered high.

9 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treat High Cholesterol Levels-

1) Aurum metallicum-

This Homoeopathic medicine brings high cholesterol levels,  found in old age people to normal.
  • It also treats high blood pressure found, in old age people to normal.
  • It specifically treats fatty liver found in old age people, due to consumption of highly fatty diet.
  • It also treats cardiac hypertrophy, heart stroke and hyperaemia of lungs and endocarditis.
  • It specifically treats high cholesterol levels of people, who suffer from atheroma of blood vessels.
  • It also treats high cholesterol levels, found with rapid pulse rate.
  • It specifically treats high cholesterol levels of people, who suffer from anxiety with suicidal tendency.

2) Baryta Carb-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats high cholesterol levels, found in old age people.
  • It also treats high cholesterol levels, found in scrofulous patients, who suffer from diseases of glands.
  • It specifically treats high cholesterol levels, found in chlorotic and hysterical woman.
  • It also treats high cholesterol levels, found with weak and increased pulse.
  • It specifically treats high cholesterol levels of people, who suffer from anxiety attacks, whenever he lies on bed.

3) Calcarea carbonica-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically brings high cholesterol levels found in over-weight people to normal.
  • It also treats high cholesterol levels of people, who suffer from fear of suffering from heart disease.
  • It specifically treats high cholesterol levels of people, who suffer from nervous palpitations with anxiety. It specifically treats those palpitations, which occur at night, after meal, after waking or after least exertion.
  • It also treats high cholesterol levels of people, who suffer from diseases of pituitary and thyroid glands.
  • It specifically treats high cholesterol levels of people, who craves egg and eat them in excess on daily basis.

4) Strophanthus Hispdus-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats high cholesterol levels of old age people.
  • It also treats high cholesterol levels of people, who suffer from goitre.
  • It specifically treats high cholesterol levels of people, who suffer from cardiac insufficiency and mitral regurgitation.
  • It also treats high cholesterol levels of chronic tobacco addicts.
  • It specifically treats high cholesterol levels of aged people, having fatty degeneration of heart.

5) Nux vomica-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats high cholesterol levels, caused due to portal obstruction.
  • It also treats high cholesterol levels, associated with arteriosclerosis of blood vessels.
  • It treats high cholesterol levels caused, due in consumption of highly seasoned fatty diet.
  • It specifically treats high cholesterol levels, of chronic alcoholics and chronic tobacco addicts.
  • It also treats high cholesterol levels caused, due to sedentary and over sitting lifestyle.

6) Allium Sativum-

This Homeopathic medicine specifically treats high cholesterol levels of people, who suffer colitis and dyspepsia and catarrhal affections.
  • It also treats high cholesterol levels caused, due to consumption of meat in excess.
  • It specifically treats high cholesterol levels, of fatty over-weight people.

7) Chelidonium majus-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats high cholesterol level of people, who suffer from valvular disease of heart.
  • It also treats high cholesterol level of people, who suffer from fatty liver.
  • It specifically treats high cholesterol levels of pregnant woman, who suffer bilious complications during pregnancy.
  • It also treats high cholesterol levels of people, who suffer from constant pain under inferior angle of right scapulae.

8) Crataegus-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treats high cholesterol levels of people, who suffer from myocarditis.
  • It also treats high cholesterol levels found with decreased pulse and low blood pressure.
  • It specifically treats high cholesterol levels of chronic heart disease patient.
  • It also treats high cholesterol level of aortic disease sufferers.

9) Plumbum-

This Homoeopathic medicine specifically treat high cholesterol levels of people, who suffer from chronic endocarditis and endarteritis.
  • It also treats high cholesterol levels of people, who suffer from lymphatic disease and atheroma of aorta.
  • It specifically treats high cholesterol levels of people, who suffer from frequent violent palpitations, difficulty in breathing with suffocation.
  • It also treats high cholesterol levels of people, who suffer from lead paralysis.
  • It specifically treats high cholesterol levels of people, who suffer from high blood pressure.
  • It also treats high cholesterol levels of people, who suffer from acute nephritis and cerebral aliments.

Cholesterol level should be monitored after every 3 months, along with taking medicine. So, that if any change occurs in cholesterol levels, then medicine can be changed timely according to that, without any delay. This will save patient from harms of sudden silent rise of cholesterol on body. So, that was all regarding 10 Homoeopathic medicines that specifically treat high cholesterol levels. 

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