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10 Homoeopathic Medicines that must be, in your Home Medicine Kit

You must have felt need of, home medicine kit; when your, any family member had, suddenly fallen ill and if that was night time; when any nearby doctor is rarely available. In that case, the only thing, which comes to help and save time wasted, is home medicine kit.

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So, ultimately you realize, the importance of home medicine kit because of its benefits.

But question is, how to make a medicine kit or what should be there in your home medicine kit? And, which home medicine kit is best one? Do not worry, your all queries will be answered in this article.

Well, the best medicine kit, which you can use at home and which fits in your budget, is Homeopathic medicine kit. To make it, first thing you need to do, is to search out your nearest Homeopathic medicine shop at internet, from where you can purchase Homeopathic medicines, which you need to put in your Homeopathic medicine kit. Once you confirmed, the nearest Homeopathic shops; next thing you need to do, is to put emergency Homeopathic medicines in the box; which you are going to use, to make your Homeopathic medicine kit.

But, question is, what are names of, these Homoeopathic medicines and for what problem, each one of them, is used?

Well, answer to that is, given below; in form of list of medicines, with usage detail of each-
  • Nux vomica 200- For abdominal pain,

-         nausea or vomiting,
-         Loose motion complaint, as well as constipation.
-         And, if you got side effect of any allopathic medicine; then to remove side effect of that medicine; Nux vomica 200 is best option, till date now; in Homeopathic medical history.
  • Belladonna 200- is such an emergency Homoeopathic medicine, which is best for, respiratory problems and fever. Like, if you have severe coughing at night; but have nothing at home, other than this medicine; then this medicine, will sort out your problem, of severe cough.

-         This medicine can also solve your problem of coryza or any respiratory problem, like bronchitis, if you have caught.
-         Also, this medicine can cure your fever also, which most often happen from sudden temperature change or checked perspiration.
  • Rhus tox 200 and Bryonia 200- are medicines, which are given; when you have tired body, with body pains; caused after doing lot of household or heavy work, weight lifting work.

-       Rhus tox 200 is given, when you experience body pains on 1st movement of body, like standing up; but once started walking and doing work, pain is experienced less.
-        But, if you experience body pains, at every body movement; whether it is first or last one or during work; but, relieved with resting; then in that case Homeopathic medicine Rhus tox 200, will not solve problem and you have to employ Bryonia 200, to cure your body pain complaint.

  • Cantharis ointment, calendula ointment and arnica ointment- are Homeopathic medicines, in ointment form; which are used in case of, different kinds of injuries. So, they are injury medicines, in ointment form.

-         Cantharis ointment- you can use, in case of minor to semi-major burns that you get at home.
-         Calendula ointment- is a kind of Homeopathic antiseptic ointment that you can use, in any kind of injury; but have best results in, case of abrasions or cut injuries that you get occasionally.
-         Last ointment left to discuss, is Arnica ointment- fits best, especially in case of blunt injuries. And, it is such an ointment that you can use, not only in case of injury; but can also use in body pains, joint pains; just like Rhus tox 200 and Bryonia 200.

So, that was about Homoeopathic medicines that you can put, in your Home medicine kit; but this list is just brief list because there are few other Homoeopathic medicines that you need to put, in your home medicine kit. Do not worry, I will discuss them, in future articles.

Last thing that you need to follow-

Is any medicine that you take from, this home medicine kit; take that in right dosage. Homoeopathic medicines that are mentioned above, if you are using any one of them; then you need to repeat that medicine, at ½ hour interval, 3 times in a day and not more than that.

  • How to use Homoeopathic ointmentsThat comes pre-written on them and their packing. But use them, only twice a day, one application in morning and 2nd at night, before sleeping.

One thing, more to remember that they are emergency Homoeopathic medicines that you can use in emergency conditions; when nearest doctor is not available or you have difficulty in reaching there. They are not replacement of doctor. Do inform your doctor about them, when you have taken them, along with complaint; for which you have used them. Like any medicine, they need doctor’s supervision.

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