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10 Causes of Headache and its 6 Main Types

Headache is now, becoming very common in every 2nd person, these days. The reason behind, is stressful daily life; especially employment, where there are hectic work schedule and no nutritional food ingestion; instead, people consuming, nutrient lacking ready-made diet.

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Headache is of many types and each type has different causes behind it; for its occurrence. Some experience- 
  1. one sided headache,
  2. some have frontal headache,
  3. some have temporal headache,
  4. some have congestive headache,
  5. some have occipital headache and
  6. some have vertex headache.

Whatever type of headache you have, from above mentioned headache types; you want to rid of any of them, as soon as possible.

Now comes, list of 8 different famous causes; which are responsible for headache occurrence-
  1. Most common cause, these days for headache occurring; among every 2nd person, is stress.
  2. Another cause, which people commonly does not bother, to think of and only confirmed; when tested and that cause is weak eyesight. People keep on ingesting pain killer, for their headache and never just, think of once; of getting their eyesight tested. Weak eyesight puts strain on eyes; while reading, knitting or during any fine eye work and causes headache.
  3. Prolonged work on computer screen.
  4. Watching T.V. from very short distance, for prolonged hours.
  5. Dietary mistake of not consuming, morning breakfast.
  6. Sitting in front of A.C. or heater, for prolonged hours.
  7. Remaining in too hot or too cold weather outside, for long hours.
  8. Body damage like hormonal changes, in menstrual flow days.

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