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Know 5 Stages of a Chronic Disease

What is chronic disease, that we have discussed in, previous article of Homoeopathic Blog; Today, we will discuss, how many stages it has? Yes chronic diseases, pass through different stages, in its progressive journey in human body.

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The different stages, which a chronic disease; has to pass through, in its progressive, journey are-

1) Stage of functional disorder-

Stage of functional disorder, is first stage of chronic disease. In which, there occurs, only slight changes, in form of 
  • sensation and in form of 
  • disorder, in different functions of human body. 
  • That is, disease is at the functional plane; in form of dysfunctioning occurring in normal functioning of human body. 
  • As disease is, at functional plane; so it can be sorted out easily, sometimes with medicinal aid and sometimes, with minor dietary and lifestyle changes.

2) Stage of structural changes-

Stage of structural change, is second phase of chronic disease; in which functional plane of human body, no more remain at functionally normal level. It turns into structural disease. 
  • Disease now takes path of, structural changes; in human body's tissue and organs. 
  • Here disease requires, aid of medicine; along with dietary and lifestyle changes and cannot be cured, with them alone. 
  • Medicinal aid and dietary lifestyle changes, need to be taken; to cure disease at this stage.

3) Stage of organic damage-

Stage of organic damage, is that stage of chronic disease; in which disease, has moved to irreversible stage; where 
  • medicinal aid cannot cure, irreversible organic damage; which disease has done, to a specific organ; but 
  • it can palliate, the painful symptoms; resulting out of, this organic damage; for time being.

4) Stage of multi-organ damage, with low vitality-

is that stage of chronic disease, in which disease has, now no more limited, to a specific organ's damage; instead, 
  • it has widened its area and has started to do organic damage of, more than 1 organ
  • due to which, vital strength of suffering patient; is so much lowered that it cannot be cured, with medicinal aid; 
  • only palliation of resulting symptoms can be done.

5) Stage of nil vitality-

is stage of death- is ultimate end of, destructing story of chronic disease; where vital strength of person, has become nil and 
  • person, will approaching death, in few days and 
  • chronic disease, will end with death.

Do you know-  
How to Know that a Person is Suffering from One Sided Disease or Not?

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